It’s a…

It’s a strange thing, mother’s intuition. When I was pregnant with Harper, the moment I saw that line appear on that pregnancy test, I knew she was a girl. We confirmed at 18 weeks at a private ultrasound office and then confirmed at my 20 week anatomy scan at my doctor’s office.

This time around, with Baby Lowrey 2.0 I waffled. At first I was certain of another girl. But then after 8-9 weeks, my pregnancy started feeling different than it did with Harper. So of course I convinced myself that it was likely because baby was a boy. On top of that, all of my friends/family kept insisting that I was having a boy this time. I had myself convinced, but wouldn’t find out until a few weeks later at our anatomy scan which was scheduled for January 10. I would be 18w1d.

We made sure to bring Harper along with us so that she could see the baby, who she was convinced was a baby sister. Try explaining an ultrasound to a 3 year old though. As we’re getting ready to head out the door she’s gathering up a bunch of her toys and things she thinks the baby will need because she thought the baby was coming out that day. *swoon*

Lucky for us, baby was super cooperative and not at all shy, showing us all the goods!

And baby is….

Both outfits were purchased on ETSY at Willow Bee Apparel

We are so excited for another little girl! Harper is thrilled to not only be a big sister, but to have a little sister on the way. She has told me multiple times that “Baby Sister is my best friend” which of course turns me into a puddle of mushy mommy.

Universal Pre-Kindergarten

Earlier this week I registered Harper for Universal Pre-Kindergarten with the school district. UPK. How did we get here so quickly? I swear to you, just last week she was an infant. The whole process was short and not at all glamorous (the room was warm and cramped with parents all there to sign their babies up just like I was) but absolutely surreal. She has loved pre-school thus far and I know she will continue thrive in the school setting. I just cannot believe we have made it here already.

Slow down baby girl.

Hello world!

Every few years, I start a new blog. I always have the best of intentions, planning to write a couple of times a week, documenting life. Not because I find my life to be particularly interesting, but as a way to journal our adventures and have something to look back on. Sometimes my blogs survive one post, sometimes 3. It has been a good 12 years or so since I have blogged regularly. Life always seems to get in the way and that’s as far as I get. The last time I started a blog, I was pregnant with Harper. She is now 3. I had hoped to document our journey as new parents, through a the process of building a new house, and so on. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out so well.

Now I sit here, 18 weeks pregnant with our second baby, with the same intentions. I hope that you will join me on this journey and hold me accountable to the commitment that I am making.