Hello world!

Every few years, I start a new blog. I always have the best of intentions, planning to write a couple of times a week, documenting life. Not because I find my life to be particularly interesting, but as a way to journal our adventures and have something to look back on. Sometimes my blogs survive one post, sometimes 3. It has been a good 12 years or so since I have blogged regularly. Life always seems to get in the way and that’s as far as I get. The last time I started a blog, I was pregnant with Harper. She is now 3. I had hoped to document our journey as new parents, through a the process of building a new house, and so on. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out so well.

Now I sit here, 18 weeks pregnant with our second baby, with the same intentions. I hope that you will join me on this journey and hold me accountable to the commitment that I am making.

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