Valentine Heart Attack – Flop

Every once in a while I’ll see a craft or activity on Facebook or Pinterest and think “Hey, I can do that!”. That was the case when a few of my friends started sharing Skip to My Lou’s Valentine Heart Attack blog post. I have markers and construction paper, and cutting out hearts is something I can handle! Let’s do this!

Throughout January I looked forward to February 1st when I would put the first 2 hearts on Harper’s bedroom door. Before bed on January 31 I cut out 2 hearts, 1 large one that says “We love you because…” and a smaller heart with “You are kind”. I was so proud of myself, not only did I not forget the date, but my hearts were cute, and I couldn’t wait for Harper to wake up the next morning to see them.

As is typically the case, reality proved to be quite different than the idea I had in my head. Yesterday morning I get up and go into her room and she’s got this angry scowl on her face and is pointing at the door. Our conversation went like this…

H: “Mom, what are those?”
Me: “Well those are Valentine’s hearts that Mommy made for you last night. Don’t you like them?”
H: “No, I don’t like them. I don’t want them. I hate pink!”
So then I read the hearts to her, thinking that would help her understand.
H: “I need to get my orange stool so I can reach them and take them off.”

She proceeded to run to her bathroom to get her stool, take down the hearts, and put them on our bedroom door.

To say I was/am disappointed would be true. Maybe we’ll try again next year.